The Body Ecology Diet Salad Dressing Recipe

Ingredients for ¼ Cup:
- 2 tablespoons organic, unrefined olive oil
- 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil or a flaxseed/evening primrose oil blend
- 1 tablespoon raw, organic apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
- ¼ to ½ teaspoon Celtic sea salt and/or Herbamare to taste
- ¼ teaspoon xanthan gum, if desired
This dressing is a Body Ecology favorite because it is so versatile! You can experiment with small amounts of flavorful oils, such as walnut or roasted pumpkin seed oil, a wonderful mustard, or your favorite herbs. For even more variety, try Sea Seasonings Dulse or Dulse with Garlic, a dash of homemade mayonnaise (or Follow Your Heart Vegenaise made with grapeseed oil), a pinch of cayenne pepper, or ½ teaspoon EcoBloom (a prebiotic that encourages the growth of friendly bifidus microorganisms).
If you’re using xanthan gum as a thickening agent, blend it in just after adding the oil.
This recipe is easily doubled or even quadrupled. Refrigerate any leftovers for up to 10 days.